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When UWM starts it first searches and reads its central configuration file, uwmrc. Any further configuration files to be read by UWM have to be defined in this file. If no uwmrc is found, UWM will start using default values. However the values assumed might not be correct in all cases which sometimes is a reason for uwm to quit (e.g. in case no hex icons were found).

All configuration files are searched using the same pattern: UWM first looks into the directory $HOME/.ude/config. If the file is not found there it checks the directory $UDEdir/config or, if the $UDEdir environment variable is not set, the global UDE configuration directory which results in something like /usr/local/share/ude/config. The UDE default installation directory can be changed at compile/configuration time. Take a look at the INSTALL-Readme-File for details about this. If the configuration file is still not found, UWM takes the filename as it is (usually dereferencing any environment variables first).

If a c preprocessor is found on the system UWM is runing on, any configuration files will be passed through the c preprocessor before UWM looks at them. This will make it possible for you to use macros etc. Take a look at the manual of your preprocessor for more info.

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